1. Play nice. Respect all other users at all time. Tolerate all points of view even if you disagree. Absolutely no personal attack's or criticisms.
2. Post that antagonize other members( intentionally or not) will be removed. At times, sensitive topics may arise, be sensitive to the feelings of others. If you find yourself getting angry, separate yourself from the discussion for a while.
3. Please, no cursing in forum subject lines or messages
4. No newbie bashing: Be nice to new people. We all asked “old” questions when we first found this site. Give new users the info they are looking for and inform them of the search button.
5. Offensive posts: Please make an effort to limit potentially offensive posts. A word of advice: there is greater tolerance for potentially offensive posts (cussing, obscene jokes, ...) in the off-topic forum or to any forums . Posts deemed " too offensive will be: edited, or in extreme cases, deleted.
- We are an easy going group of people. Most of the time you will not even know we are here, since barely ever intererfere with users and their posts. Most infractions are overlooked, with no criticism to the user. Though we do not keep records, further infractions will prompt warnings from moderators, usually in a post, private message, or email. Beyond this, we deal with each case individually, attempting to best deal with the differences between the user and the rest of the board community, to come to a solution that is beneficial to everyone.
This forum is a privilege, not a right. Treat this forum as you would any social environment. As a user, you are expected to understand that the same rules of respect, understanding, and cause-consequence that apply to real life social environments apply here as well.
The staff reserves the right to take away member priveleges without advanced notice and that include (PM) private message, Email, use of My Controls and can even result to membership cancellation if any of the above guidelines are violated !
Registering and becoming a member to our site is your acknowledgement that you will agree and abide by our rules.
Thank you very much and have fun posting!